Sandy doing the same....
Me....looking like I put on 50 lbs. This is right before the ski lift opened and I was scared, scared, scared!
The first night out we went to dinner. The Village is decorated with Christmas lights, trees, wreaths, etc. I just loved it. Here is Jon and I at one of the Christmas trees.
Thank God my snow pants are black and you cannot see the unfortunate crotch taco the suspenders gave me.
Me at the top of Eagle's Nest. It was cloudy this particular day, but wow, even so it is such beautiful scenery.
Sandy and I
The Ninja Warrior with a look of fierce determination after being told a hamburger, fries, and Gatorade cost $25. Say what?
Jon and his suspenders. We both learned what it will be like when we are 65 and only suspenders will keep our pants from dropping below our knees.
Sandy getting ready for another day of skiing.
Me modeling my brand new Vail shirt. Actually, Sandy bought it for me for Christmas.
Sandy eating an onion ring.
Me devouring an onion ring. Skiing + Cold Weather = Hungry Keithy
Jon in front of the ice skating rink. You can see snowflakes in the foreground. I am so artistic in my photographs.
Jon standing under a lamppost.
The escalator down was broken, so I snapped this puppy as Jon and his mom were coming down the stairs.
However, the escalator up worked just fine....
If you look close enough, this was the exact moment in the trip when Jon's mom realized I am certifiably insane (but in a fun way of course). If she didn't know about my penchant for goofy pictures before the trip....I guess she does now.