The church rehearsal and rehearsal dinner ALMOST went off without a hitch, but how could we tell stories about it for years to come if it weren't for a little bit of drama. Let's see, Kelly got her first bit of bride-gone-off-the-deep end moments prior to the rehearsal which was totally understandable, but also a little bit on the scary side. Just kidding of long as you didn't make eye contact with her. No, she did great and had done such great planning that there wasn't much that could have gone wrong really.
The rehearsal was great and it gave us a chance to interact with the rest of the bridal party and meet those we hadn't meet before. The rehearsal dinner was held at Macaroni Grill and was tons o' fun. Kelly and Greg made a nice heartfelt speech and gave out the bridal party gifts. Mine was a gift certificate to Banana Republic, a kitty cat who poos jelly beans, and a beautiful picture frame with family inscriptions on it with a hand drawn picture of me, Jon, Kelly, and Greg in our wedding day attire. Kelly said the hand drawn picture was only until we had a real wedding picture to replace it, but I told her I think the picture she drew was way too cool to replace.
The only REALLY bad thing that happened on Friday was a little incident involving Jon, a funny joke my dad told, Jon leaning back for a huge laugh, him sitting on the edge of the bed, falling off the bed and onto his back to the ground, and really hurting his back bad. I knew it had to hurt because all the color drained from his face, he started shaking uncontrollably (as if he went into shock), and he had to go to the doctors to be sure he hadn’t broken a bone. He is very, very sore now, but at least nothing was broken. I guess my dad wins joke teller of the year!!!

From top to bottom: Dad, Kent, and Mom

Kelly "happily" standing next to the sign the hotel made welcoming her to the hotel. At least the Burgess-Giera Wedding got top booking over Pam's Scrapbooking or Kelly might have taken the manager out at the knee caps.

Jon sat in the front seat on the way to the rehearsal and had the cahoonies to take a picture of Kelly right after we got stuck in a massive traffic jam that threatened to make us late to the church. Her eyes alone say, "back the camera away from my face."

This is one of my favorite pictures of the whole weekend. Classic father/daughter moment.

The bridal party from behind.
Jon's first physical contact with a girl left him sweaty and confused.

Kelly mid-bite and with a glass of white wine in front of her. Nothing calms the nerves like a big ole' glass of white wine.

A candid shot of the bride and groom.

Denise who sat through dinner with a tiny piece of bacon on her forehead that nobody noticed but me. They all thought it was a beauty mark, but I knew better.

Kelly "attempting" to give a speech that lasted all of 5 seconds before she completely fell to pieces and started crying in a good way of course. Greg took over from there.

Tim, Jon, and Denise.

Joyce, Kelly, and Mom

Katie and I.
My cousin's Austin and Nick.

Rusty's tongue and Katie.
1 comment:
Do not mock Pam and her scrapbooking. With Jon's back injury, he could have been relegated to that event instead. I hear you can scrapbook to your heart's content while lying prone.
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