Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Aftermath of Fishing

Okay, so I went to the doctor's and he confirmed what a lot of people had already told me....I have second degree burns on both of my hands. They are swollen, red, and unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) you can't see the 1000 little blisters I have on my hand. It is disgusting. I would not wish this on my worst enemy and it is hitting the itchy phase!! Now I have to apply this cream to my hand's for the next week and then wrap them up in gauze. I look like the biggest tool on the face of the earth and all of my co-workers are making fun of me! I would just like to state for the record that I am not an idiot. I am not used to having to put sunscreen on the tops of my hands, but because of how you hold a fishing pole, only the tops were exposed. I will be used to it now!!
My left hand is not as bad as my right one.

My right hand...swollen, itchy, and red.

The front view....look at how the hand on the left hand side of the picture is fatter than the one on the right.

Up close and....let me hold my lunch back.....barf....

My cheeks are pretty rosy too! Jon thought my make shift moisturizer sock gloves needed to documented. Sorry folks, desperate times call for desperate measures.

Fishing Trip - Hillman, MI

What??????? Keith's gone fishing! What's next....hunting, bear wrestling, or car repair? No folks, I am afraid to say this was a one time event. I'll call it a male bonding experience for me, my soon to be brother-in-law Greg, my dad, Grandpa, Uncle Randy, and cousins Austin and Nick.
We spent a beautiful Memorial Day weekend fishing, eating a crap ton of bar food (10 bar meals to be exact), and playing cards. While these are not normally events I would participate in and are definitely way outside of my zone of comfort, I think I did pretty damn good job of hangin' in there!! I always find that I have a great time and am glad to have the time to spend with the people I don't get to see very often.
Our cabin! It was a duplex cabin and had two separate living/eating/cooking quarters attached by a door.

I called this the "Body Shed." Still not sure what was in there, but it was in our backyard.

One of the views from our cabin.



The very first day. I had to take a "before" shot just in case I didn't survive.

This was the "nice" boat. Let's just say that the motors were SO sucky on these boats that my dad had a few choice words with them. I think I saw him get in a fist fight with another one.


This is the pile of fishing line I had to cut off of one of my poles!

Captain Dad

Oh, he got one.....

My Uncle Randy's fish.... My Grandpa's fish....

My cousin Austin's fish....

A self portrait

My first fish....a Northern Pike. Poor guy got a hook through the eye, but when we released him back in the water, he didn't swim in a circle so I assumed his sight was just fine!

Not a big fan of touching the fish...so my dad got a picture of me with apparently the fish's tail.

I think my dad thought I was acting so ridiculous that he just held it up MY fish and I half held on to it. Haha....my plan worked EXACTLY!

Chalk up another one for Grandpa! Alright Grandpa, now your just gloating!

Another one for dad!

Dad and Greg fishing

Yawn....another one for Grandpa. This guy should have his own fishing show. But I don't think the guy who bleeps out bad words would be able to keep up with him, so maybe not.

My attempt at an "artistic" shot failed miserably.

Nick's fish

Captain Greg

Uncle Randy, Austin, and Nick fishing

Greg and Dad coming in for a landing

Okay, laugh ALL you want. See the follow-up blog and you will see that I am believed to have second degree burns on my hands. I had to wear gloves on the second to last day to avoid further damage.

Austin and Nick playing cards.

The last day....we are all glad to be going home.

The End!!!!

Misc. Pictures

Do you ever have those miscellaneous pictures that you find months later on your camera? Well here are a couple of those such pictures that don't really have a home, so they are being put under the "miscellaneous" label.
This is me and one of my cat's Garbo Kitty (a.k.a Stewart). He was a bit of a garbage diver when I got him as a kitten so I called him Garbo Kitty and it just kind of stuck.

Jon and my other cat Sophie! Sophie and Jon have forged a very special relationship.

It is kind of hard to tell in this picture, but Garbo Kitty put his entire body inside a pair of my warm-up pants and only his head was sticking out. He looks like a creepy robot with his eyes, but I promise he is the sweetest little cat in the world.

He looks a little more normal here...

I don't know if he is singing, posing for America's Next Top Model, or just being Jon, but I snapped this little gem.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Twins Game

Okay, I'll admit these aren't the best pictures we have ever taken. Jon and I went to the Twins game with Matt and Heather and sat in the really good seats, well atleast for us ($30). We were in the prime homerun territory, yet none of us were prepared with a baseball glove because we weren't used to having such good seats. Well, in the 2nd inning, a Red Sox homerun landed in the row in front of me, six seats to my left. I could have reached out and touched the guy almost. It was pretty amazing!!
Sadly, the Twins lost, but we still had fun.
Don't know what this is a picture of, except to show how close we were to the field and how close we were to homerum/foul territory.

Someone inflated a condom and started hitting it around. It hit Jon in the face....hysterical!

A candid shot of Jon!

Gross, I hate pictures of myself this close to my face. In other news, I think my acne medication is finally starting to work cause my face looks clear.

A virtual perspective to "The Life O' Keith" for the 6 people who actually read this blog.