My mom enjoying a glass from our free bottle of champagne.
And now we are on our way back to the house and well, you will just have to witness this for yourself.
And this is the point in the evening, when things started to downward spiral into "Girls Gone Wild." Example A: Kelly decides to limo dive, falls, lands in some girls lap, and I snapped this gem. Now I just need to decide like Spiderman, if I want to use my power for good or evil because I could cause A LOT of evil with this picture.
Aunt Robin wearing the pink cowboy hat
I can almost promise you that my mom attempted to hit a high note. Kelly and I have seen this face many times in church and we always know that means to plug our ears.
Something must have been funny because Melissa, Katie, and Bridget are cracking up!
Aunt Robin makes friends with Peter Pecker. My Uncle Randy better be careful, this guy was a smoooooth talker.
Erin cracking Aunt Robin up
This picture explains about the last ten minutes of the limo ride where Erin crawled across the floor (which had just been steam cleaned and her pants were soaked), physically assaulted "Peter Pecker." Look at Kelly's face....priceless!
A cute picture of my mom in the cowboy hat
OMG!!! Keith you rock! You did such an amazing job with everything!!!!! I can't even begin to thank you enough...however, what's up with the beaver picture - the one at the bar...not the one where I was limo diving!
OMG....you guys look like you had as much fun as one could have a bachelorette party! I love the cowboy hats! ;) The video made me laugh...super funny! Congrats Kelly & Greg!!
Keith you did an awesome job on party planning and picture taking! I started laughing all over again! Thanks for everything. Just think in a little over a month we get to do this all over again!
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