So this is a two-parter blog. I had two fantastic things happen this weekend, the first one is in my previous blog entitled Colorado - Part One - The Surprise. This "Part Two" event deserved its own space which is the reason for this two act play if you will.
Jon and I woke up on Saturday like any other day and went about our business as usual except that we were in freakin' CO.....wooo hooooo!! We drove to Vail and went up the Gondola, went mountain biking, and ate lunch. We then went on a hike higher up the mountain. Of course this is the time my body decides to reject physical activity....I was sweaty, my lungs burned from the high altitude, and every 10 steps or so, I had to sit down and take a break. Naturally, it took a while to get to the peak of the mountain. When we got up there, Jon pointed out a few things, and told me he wanted to show me one of his favorite spots (he has skied and visited this spot many times) on Ptarmigan Ridge.....a spot that holds great significance in his life due to its very existence in nature, but also the symbolic nature of the mountain itself. And he did not disappoint, it was extremely beautiful. He proceeded to sit me down and read me a wonderfully written letter that allowed him to say all the things he wanted to say without forgetting a single word. The letter concluded with a commitment proposal which is the equivalent of an engagement. I of course leaped out of my seat and said "yes," jumped up and down screaming like a psycho and followed it up with a rendition of ...."going to the Chapel and we're gooooooooooooooonna get maaaaaaarrrrrrrrieeeeeed." I later found out that Jon had pre-called my mother and father to ask their permission which was just the absolute icing on the cake!!
We decided we don't want only one of us wearing an engagement ring, as is typical in straight couples. Soooo, we will be exchanging rings during the actual Commitment Ceremony we plan for next year.
Jon and I are so excited to start this next exciting chapter in our lives and I will forever remember the who, what, where, and when of this fantastic, once in a lifetime experience. It was a living dream come true!

Me still upright and walking towards the "eventual" spot and right before I started my downward spiral of having to sit and rest every 5 steps.

Jon looking fit as a fiddle and me taking a picture from the ground where I was sitting taking my 68th rest stop.

You thought I was kidding. I don't consider myself an unhealthy human being, but that high altitude can be a killer on the bod.

The view while Jon read his letter and proposed.

The heavenly view

Jon looking like a load has been taken off of his shoulders after I said yes!!!!

Okay, not my best picture, but we had to capture the moment somehow!!
Congratulations to the both of you! What a spot to be proposed to! I am thrilled that Jon was able to pull off the surprise...well, really, both surprises! I laugh at how convinced Keith was that you guys were going camping up north. Funny! Congrats again! I cannot wait for the wedding! :)
Funny you didn't mention the skipping you were doing while singing that breathless version of "Goin' to the Chapel." I'm very lucky that you said yes.
Holy #%*@#! That was the best blog entry ever!!! I laughed - I cried - I even peed alittle! Jon has to be the best guy on earth (besides my Greggy of course!) Congratulations to both of you - I love you both so much! I can't wait for the big day!
Keith and Jon i am so happy for you both! can't wait for the ceremony! xoxo PS see you this weekend!
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