My friends Denise and Tim came for a visit this past weekend. And while they were here only a short time, we managed to fit in as much fun, laughter, drinking as possible. It was great to see them and as always, we were all sad that our time inevitably came to an end. But it only gets us all excited for the next we are able to get together and have another set of amazing adventures.
Friday Night - They arrived on Friday night at around 6:30. After a quick clean-up session, we headed out to the Rock Bottom Brewery. After dinner and a few drinks, we headed out to the Shout House were we drank and sang the night away. Our two songs were played immediately....Runaround Sue and Big Balls (by AC/DC) which got us pumped up. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera that evening, but did get some pre-bar shots.

Denise blow drying her hair. She blew a fuse, which ended up stopping the clock in my bedroom. When she woke up the next day with a horrible hangover, she looked at the clock which said 11:30 am. She thought she had slept the day away. Of course, it was really only 6:45 am.....ouch....we still got up and started our day.
Denise putting on makeup
Jon demonstrating to Denise and I how he can get his foot over his head. I couldn't be prouder, maybe I can make some dough on the side pimping him out to the circus.
Denise and Tim
Jon and I
Saturday Morning - As I stated earlier, Tim, Denise, and I were hurting on Saturday morning. Jon was a bit more responsible on Friday night because he had to drive home to take care of his dogs. Denise, Tim, and I did manage to make it out to the Farmer's Market, Sculpture Garden, and the Lake of the Isles. However, once again I forgot my camera which I blame on the alcohol. Denise and Tim did manage to snap a few picks, but need to get the camera developed. If I get the pictures, I will get them posted.
Saturday Afternoon - We made it out to the State Fair for a couple of hours. The greasy food did help cure our hangovers enough to encourage us to start drinking again when we got to Jon's.
Jon pointing something out to Denise and Tim as we waited for the State Fair Bus to pick us up.
Denise on the bus to the State Fair
Jon and I waiting in the ticket line
Jon unenthusiastically eating his Pronto Pup.
Denise and I thought it would be funny to put Tim under the Tiny Tim's Donut sign. He looks really excited.

Jon and Denise under the "Sausage" sign. Trust me, this wasn't a coincidence.
Denise and I in the Midway

Denise and I said we weren't going to leave until we got to play a game. Notice that their is a 6 year old boy on Denise's left and a 6 year old girl on my right.
As you can see from the picture, my balloon malfunctioned. Denise didn't win, but I got to go again.

Me vigorously waiting for my next round of 6 year old competition.
When I won, I heard 6 year old hearts breaking to my left and right, but I snagged my frog and did some gloating with my friends. They kept me safe from all the evil stares from the parents. We named the frog Nastia after the Gold Medal Olympian.
Saturday Evening - We played a little bit of croquet, ping pong, Balderdash, and then had a fire in Jon's fire pit. We brought out the couch that wouldn't sell at the garage sale last weekend and looked like official white trash. We were having a ball until the mysterious neighbor behind Jon's house that we have never met popped his head over the fence out of NOWHERE to read us verbatim the fire code which said we were to close to his fence line rather than just asking us to quiet down (we weren't being loud to begin with). That kind of put a damper on the evening and we were good an drunk anyway, so we just went to bed.
Just the way I like it...a drink in one hand...a croquet mallet in the other.

Jon's athletic swing
Denise took this puppy up-close after Jon had a great shot. When we looked at the pictures on my computer, his mouth was so big, he looked like he was going to eat us.

Tim is juggling and this is the best picture EVER because I snapped right at the time the blue ball looks like it is resting on his cap.

Denise and Tim posing before our giant Ping Pong tournament.
Jon's face after sipping my Bloody Mary. Let the record show that this is the 900th time he has tried a sip of my coffee, beer, or Bloody Mary and made that face. He keeps thinking that one time he will just start liking it.
Denise and Jon competing in a "who cane shove more pizza down their throat in one bit contest." By the looks of this picture, Denise wins. Jon is a close second below....

Jon feeding Nastia. She was hungry and starting to get cranky.
Don't worry folks, if Jon and I adopt children, I am sure we will have to go through parenting classes. And besides, I would NEVER let him do something so heinous. That is what the cheap tequila should be used for.
Ummmmmm....Denise after she has had 5 too many drinks. She starts off well, but then.....well, you will just have to see for yourself.
The smaller my eyes get, the better the drinks went down that night. I put the hat on being stupid and just never took it off the rest of the night.
I wish I could say this was the first time I had seen her this way!!
Don't judge until you've been there! I know a lot of dudes that like to do high kicks in a fisherman's hat, in an extra-small Viking's sweatshirt, with a giant stain on the front of it.
This is the fire pit
Tim, Denise, and Jon on the couch in front of the fire
Denise looking longingly at her man

Denise and her we need to leave you two alone?
Oh dear, there really is no explanation.
Sunday Afternoon - We came back into the city and had a BBQ down at the park by the river. We setup a Badminton/Volleyball net and played for nearly 5 hours. When we were done, we went to Minehaha Falls and rode a 4 person Surrey. We finished it off with some Dairy Queen.
Denise and Tim at the park

Jon in an action shot
A cute picture of Jon
Ahhhhhh....Denise and I
Denise going to town on a piece of corn
Jon playing Badminton
Oh, somtimes the Lord is so good to me. How is it that I could be so lucky to catch a Denise Pearson temper-tantrum on video? Tim was beating Denise at Badminton and she was not happy about it. He then starting messing with her....Jon and I are dying laughing.
Me in mid-shot. Notice my bright-yellow tennis shoes.
Jon and I at Minneahaha Falls
Tim and Denise at Minneahaha Falls
Jon, Denise, and Tim in our 4 person Surrey
A first-person video account of our time on the Surrey.
A group photo to end the afternoon
Seriously...there are no words....just letters...WTF?!?!?!
Maaaaaannn!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why don't you show me a good time like that when I visit??? It looks like you guys had way too much fun! I love the couch/fire pit shot - priceless.
Dude, it looks like your fire is a little close to the fence line. I'm suprised no one told you that.
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