Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Camping: Part Two
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Dollar Tree Misadventure

Gay Camping....A "Fairy" Tale

The Thinking Man's pose...I was thinking "wow, we are REALLY gay!"

Jon wearing a bright orange poncho to avoid the ran. However, it also seemed to bring out the dancer in him as every time he put it on, he began to spin and twirl as seen here.
A tent fell on the Wicked Witch of the East, only her shoes remained.

Wait, Paige is drinking out of a plastic wine glass too! And I believe that is a lime garnishing his glass. Another difference between gay and straight campers.
Me basting the chicken. The smoke was so bad, I had to wear glasses.

Travis, Paige, and I. Paige is holding the sausages we had for breakfast and I am trying to warm my hands over the griddle.
Saturday Afternoon/Evening
Pre-hiking picture...L to R: Mike, Ken, Jon, Paige, Travis
The most unflattering picture of me that has EVER BEEN TAKEN! From L to R: Mike, Ken, Candy Cantaloupes, Paige, and Travis. Seriously, don't I look like at least a B-cup.

Video of Jon climbing trees or I should say attempting to get out of a tree he had climbed up.
Me cooking burgers. This was the first time I have EVER grilled burgers on my own.
Paige measuring rice in one of our plastic wine glasses.
Me riding my bike around the camp just waiting for the crew to get back so we can start drinking.

Notice Paige's finger....he is pointing out the fact that the "Alcohol is in it." Highly recommended for people who like to drink. They were delicious.
After a few cocktails, I was pretending to be the guys at the airport with the orange flares who guides the planes in to the gates.
Jon knocking back another one.
Sunday Morning
We were in an "walk-in" campsite which means you are have to haul your crap for like a half-mile in this wheel burrow thingy. Jon goofing around in it.

Friday, June 13, 2008
Keith "Lance Bass" Burgess
MyHeritage: Celebrity Morph - Blank family tree - Ancestral chart
Monday, June 9, 2008
Jon's 31st Birthday!!

Jon and Paige

Jon, Ken, and Mike
Jon and Heather
The Loring Pasta Bar
Keith and Paige

Paige's Afterparty

1 large bucket whose directions actually encourage you to poor an entire bottle of vodka in side of it + 8 martini glasses = FUN, FUN, FUN!!

Breaking sticks....

Paige and I with our fire poking sticks. That seriously is not meant to sound dirty, but no matter how I word it, it seems to sound wrong.
Time to Open Presents and Eat Cake....

Somebody looks excited...

Some vanilla Vodka

Movie ticket gift certificates
A new game and Jon's favorite....M&M's
His bow matches his shirt and trust me folks, that is not a coincidence.
M&M Blizzard cake....yummy yummy!
Blowing out the birthday candles...
Psycho chic
Mike and Keith trying to get the fire up and going again.

A virtual perspective to "The Life O' Keith" for the 6 people who actually read this blog.