So we celebrated Jon's birthday this past Saturday even though his real birthday isn't until the 11th. I was in charge of the party planning and though a huge fan of Sex and the City, I failed my girls miserably by making dinner reservations at 5:00 pm on a Saturday night. We went to the Loring Pasta Bar where we were the only people in the restaurant, the band was still setting up, and old people in wheelchairs who rolled by were pointing and laughing at us. Okay, okay, I learned my lesson. No self-respecting semi-young crowd of folks goes for a city dinner at 5:00 pm. Remember, I come from Michigan where anything goes.
We had a great time at dinner and followed it up with ice cream cake, a backyard fire, games, conversation, and lots of laughs at Paige's house. Hopefully Jon was pleased with our efforts and had a wonderful birthday!!
Keith Forces Jon to Pose with each Party Guest....

Yes, we look like the "Ambiguously Gay Duo," except minus the ambiguous part....we just look like the gay duo.
Jon and Matt
Jon and Paige
Jon, Ken, and Mike
Jon and Heather
The Loring Pasta Bar
Keith and Paige

The birthday boy sucks down another one....just kidding....he only had one cocktail at the restaurant though it appears he got every last drop out of his glass.
The group photo!
Paige's Afterparty
1 large bucket whose directions actually encourage you to poor an entire bottle of vodka in side of it + 8 martini glasses = FUN, FUN, FUN!!

Peppermint-ini's....ummmmmm!! They are frozen and so Paige is scooping them into our glasses.

Somebody get the birthday boy another one STAT!

Heather and Mike amusing each other!
Breaking sticks....

After my fishing trip, I am almost a regular man's man. Look at me building a fire and whatnot! Those two years in Boy Scouts seemed to have really paid off mom and dad!
Paige and I with our fire poking sticks. That seriously is not meant to sound dirty, but no matter how I word it, it seems to sound wrong.
Time to Open Presents and Eat Cake....
Somebody looks excited...
Some vanilla Vodka
Movie ticket gift certificates

A new game and Jon's favorite....M&M's

His bow matches his shirt and trust me folks, that is not a coincidence.

M&M Blizzard cake....yummy yummy!

Blowing out the birthday candles...

Psycho chic
Mike and Keith trying to get the fire up and going again.

Yes, yes, this blog may illustrate the freakishness of the birthday boy, but I see that the blogger carefully censored what the reader may see to prevent any conclusions being drawn from the state of the blogger himself. See for yourself using this link.
Happy Birthday Jon! It looks like you had a great birthday party...although Keith had you going out for dinner on a Sat. night at 5:00 pm. Too funny! I also see we have something in common....I LOVE M&M's too! Hope you have a great day!!
Another great blog post Keith!!
Clearly this blog is written by someone in marketing/communications, who has expertly selected photos which give the illusion of a successful, roaring campfire. It was effective, though, as a skeeter shield!
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