Okay, I'll admit these aren't the best pictures we have ever taken. Jon and I went to the Twins game with Matt and Heather and sat in the really good seats, well atleast for us ($30). We were in the prime homerun territory, yet none of us were prepared with a baseball glove because we weren't used to having such good seats. Well, in the 2nd inning, a Red Sox homerun landed in the row in front of me, six seats to my left. I could have reached out and touched the guy almost. It was pretty amazing!!
Sadly, the Twins lost, but we still had fun.
Gross, I hate pictures of myself this close to my face. In other news, I think my acne medication is finally starting to work cause my face looks clear.
First off, the picture of the field was supposed to be a picture of the guy next to you, but after you had one too many beers it seemed you started to fall over right when you snapped the photo.
Secondly, not only is that acne cleared, look at the definition of that masculine jaw-line.
P.S. I noticed that the caption for the picture referred to it as homeruM territory and not homeruN territory. Freudian slip? Hmmmmmm!
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