How many gay guys does it take to level, tile, and grout a kitchen? The answer is apparently two. Jon & I spent this entire weekend re-doing the floor of Jon's kitchen. As a bit of back story, Jon's kitchen was at best "Grandma -Chic." This included a floral wall paper border, a very LARGE floral valance, and of course, floral tile (see pictures below). It wasn't his fault though...he just needed the right fashion eye and motivation to get the project off the ground....and of course that was me nagging him.
Jon did his homework on the process and we picked out the tiles together. We spent Friday leveling his floor which consists of spreading cement like goop across the existing floral tile. We then spent all day Saturday laying down the tile. We then took Sunday to grout the floor. It was a long, exhausting process, but in the end it was a rousing success and Jon and I both were amazed at what we had accomplished together. And we also found out we can work together quite well at home improvement projects.
The one downfall of this WHOLE process is we forgot to do before and after pictures so you will have to use your imagination as to the before picture....think Grandma...
This is the best before picture we have on the tile. Unfortunately, I did think of it until after we started applying the leveler. So, all the grey/black stuff is leveler, not his tile. Look at the flowers!!

This is while we were laying out the design of the tiles.

Jon practicing his rolling pin skills. After you lay the tile, you have to roll it like a pizza crust. That was one of my jobs!

So, we have laid all the tiles and I am taking a break....ugh, what a lot of work it was to do.

Jon posing after we cleaned up and were going to head out to the Twins game. You can't tell, but the floor wasn't grouted, but still looked a million times better. Psst...the valances were gone behind him too....thank God in
Heaven above!!

Okay, no blog would be complete without a stupid posing picture.

The cracks are grouted and Jon and I are stunned at what we have accomplished.
Look at how sharp it looks!!
It looks fabulous! Impressive! Isn't it nice to know that you got along throughout the whole process? My hubby and I almost got divorced over picking out cabinets and counter tops and we didn't even install them :)
Although there are no before pics of the floor... or the border... or the valance, rest assured that the image of those interior design gems are forever burned in the memories of those of us who saw them regularly. Hell, I think even people who only saw them once will never forget them! Nice work boys. Good to learn these things on this house before you buy one together someday!!
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