Jon and I hosted a New Years Eve party this year. It was a lot of fun!! There was a ton of food, desserts, karaoke, Rock Band, and party favors which helped us ring in 2009 in style. We also had a pajama contest for who wore the coolest pajamas. Andrew and Jacob won because they showed up in matching pajamas which was too sweet to pass up the prize.

This is our Christmas tree. Notice the red bags surrounding the tree. Jon and I made one for each of our party guests. The bags contained tacky party favors which of course we encouraged people to wear and use for the rest of the evening.

Me putting out the nuts and pretzels before the party starts.

Jon standing at the top of the steps wearing the new sweater I bought him.

Jon and Garbo Kitty. Garbo Kitty looks grumpy, but it is probably because he just got chased down by the dogs two seconds previously.

Jon sampling the food....does he approve or did he just get goosed?

Andrew and Jacob wearing matching pajamas.

Matt doing something weird while Dave walks into the kitchen. Dave is sometimes plagued by his one photo-shy eye which doesn't want to quite open all the way up sometimes.

The crew opening their bags....Andrew and Paige.

Matt and Ryan opening their bags. And yes, Matt is wearing a tiara.

Dave modeling his hat and mask combo.

Dave looking very reminiscent of Michael Stipe of R.E.M fame. Notice his swirly straw....another party favor in the bag.

Jon in his New Years hat blowing his party horn. If you can think of a way to not make that sound dirty, please be my guest. Seriously, it is impossible because I tried.

Me modeling my New Years hat on the fireplace. I look like one of those 50 year old female McDonald's workers who doesn't want to mess up their hair so they barrette the hat on top of their bangs.

Andrew playing drums on Rock Band while Jacob looks on.

Paige and Garbo Kitty. Paige is the Cat Whisper because both of my cats couldn't get enough of him. And look at his stylish pajamas to boot!

Jacbo playing the guitar on Rock Band. Jam on wit yo bad self!

A group shot. Andrew is playing drums and Dave is playing guitar while the rest of watch on.

Paige as the lead singer of Rock Band.

Matt being Matt

Jon in his Homer Simpson pajamas, top hat, with his karate kid party favor, and blowing his horn. He also has a glow in the dark braclet on.

Matt doing an anti-gay curse on himself that he saw on the Discovery Channel made famous by the Zu-Lu tribe. Trust sooooooo didn't work!

Andrew and Jacob......ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Me in my Grinch pajamas and top hat!