Well, just when I thought I had done it all and seen it all....I was so, SO wrong. Who knew that lurking beneath the Minneapolis Convention Center, such a strange and exciting world existed. What world am I talking about??? Women on roller skates...skating in a giant circle....beating the shit out of each other.....with tattoos...and piercings....and large thighs.....shoved into net stockings. It was one of the coolest things I have done in a while and would recommend it to anyone.
Dave invited Matt, Jon, and I to go with him and his new beau Ryan to the derby. We met Dave's friend Jodi there too! She was quite the Roller Derby connoisseur. We sat right next to the track where the threat of death was possible on every turn.
Here are some of the best names EVER found on the back of the girl's
Jerzee's, the referee's
jerzees, or team names:
Team Names:
The Kilmore Girls (the scary Lesbian team) /
The Violent Femmes /
The Banger Sisters (the whitetrash team) /
The Delta Delta Di (the pretty ones)
Jerzee Names:
Block-n-Deck-Her /
Camel Toni /
Claudi Eyesout /
SockHer Mom /
Jowanna BEAT Down /
Maggie McFaceStomp /
Freddy Kruelgirl
Referee Names:
Buster Hyman /
The Clam /
Stripe Tease
Enjoy the pictures and videos!!

Dave greeting us upon our arrival

Jon before the action starts!

Matt looking scared at what we are seeing...Lesbian on skates!

Me seconding guessing why I am there...scared

The group sitting
track side.
The Violent Femmes lining up in front of us!
The Kilmore Girls lining up in front of us before the match. I wouldn't want to run into a single on of these gals in a dark alley!

Okay, so they girls were lining up and guess who skated and stood right in front of me. Well, actually I should say she skated in front of me, went to stop, crashed to the ground, and then stood up. That is when I snapped this gem. I think she could have bench pressed me. Notice her leather

One of the refs!
A little warm up video!

Jon watching the action!

The real deal!!
A video of some derby action. I started the video sideways, but it does correct itself eventually!
Hmmmmmm, someone hitting the sauce a little too hard??
Okay, this video I did shoot sideways by accident. This HORRIBLE band was playing at halftime and Jon was ready to dance for fun. Just as I snapped the video, the song ended, Jon started dancing. It was hilarious! The band played such classics as "No More Fun in 2001" and "Headcase Heidi."
At the end of the whole game, the girls come around and great the eager fans! By this time, I most certainly was an eager fan!

Us taking a picture with a
rollergirl - Moxie Mayhem!

The most AWESOME of the
rollergirls - Medusa! You should see this girl skate, she kicked
everyone's ass!
Seriously, isn't Madusa just dreamy? Well, I guess she is compared to Camel Toni or Strawberry Snatchcake! But Keith, you were still the prettiest girl there...by far. Always the belle of the ball!
Is it wrong that I only read your blog entries when they're about an event at which I was present?
Does that make me self-centered?
dude, i love that picture of Jon watching...he is just like WTF...
by the way, this is from liz minni--- i guess i don't have a name or account or whatever...
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