Monday, February 4, 2008


Jon and his band of merry men (Ken, Mike, and Paige) went to of all places.....Hooters! I was not there and might have served as the voice of reason, but I was busy slaving away at JC Penney. No, I think it was hysterical that they went and I give them a lot of credit for "playing it straight" in such a macho atmosphere. Check out the Hooters Girl in the background of Jon's picture. You know the only reason this picture exists is becauase nobody would believe him (including me) without verifiable proof.
I would say that is a proud face!! UPDATE: This just in...thanks to Mike, I have recieved a priceless pic of Jon and his origami. Even in such a straight place he can manage to be totally gay! Thanks Mike!

1 comment:

The Jagow Family said...

That is hilarious! I would have loved to have been with them...just to hear the conversation at the table! :) haha! Way to go guys...hope you had fun!

A virtual perspective to "The Life O' Keith" for the 6 people who actually read this blog.