Saturday, December 15, 2007

CH Robinson Christmas Party

For our CHR Holiday Party, the group of 11 of us went to the Brave New Workshop theatre and saw the funniest ( was hilarious) play - "Stuck In The Manger with you or Carol on, My Wayward Son" (I recommend this to everyone!!) and to dinner at Chino Latino! We all had a great time!! The show, food, and company were a ton of fun!
Greg, Mindy, and I having a couple of $23 tequilla after dinner drinks

Greg and Nancy

Barb and Frank

Jim and Michelle

Katie & Kathy Jo (Katie is Kathy Jo's Dauther)

My date...sadly Jon was skiing in CO.

Mindy and Michael

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A virtual perspective to "The Life O' Keith" for the 6 people who actually read this blog.