I recently began dating a very special person named Jon. We met several months ago at a party, but through a series of very strange coincidences and missed
opportunities, we only saw each other a few times in passing. We began dating at the end of July and are having a great time together. He treats me exceptionally well and provides me with a sense of security I haven't known until now. In retrospect, I can officially say this is my first real adult relationship. I mean I have been in other serious relationships, but compared to him, they now seem so juvenile. But hindsight is 20/20 I guess.
He is 30 and lives in Cottage Grove. He works in IT, enjoys golfing (yea!), tennis, biking, and just hanging out and acting goofy with me. And anyone who knows me well can tell you that last one is a biggie! He also has two doggies (Springer Spaniels).
Jon and I at the MN State Fair!

Jon holding Garbo Kitty!